Publicity - find Pubs, Bars and Clubs in London

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Lifestyle Essen und Trinken
Entwickler Publicity Mobile Ltd

Discover over 3,000 pubs, bars and clubs across London. Looking for a beer garden or somewhere to watch the match? Use the filters to find your perfect venue. Want to find out what a venue’s like right now? Check out the live updates from the venue staff and other people inside right now.


◦ Over 3,000 pubs bars and clubs across London
◦ Apply filters to find specific venues that match your needs
◦ Find out what’s happening inside right now!
◦ Check-in to provide real-time updates and photos for other users
◦ Read reviews from other users. Write your own to share your voice!
◦ Find out all the venues information including contact details, photos and directions
◦ Share your photos and reviews on Facebook and Twitter

Coming to other UK cities soon.